Monday 7 September 2009

Brown's U-Turn If You Want To

Yet another U-Turn by the Goblin King himself.Not only is it a U-turn in its support for IRA victims' families seeking compensation from Libya,it's an insult to those families that it's taken pressure on the useless prick for this to happen.How sad it is.Libya must be pissing themselves laughing.It all started of course,when that other corrupt bastard,Blair,met Gaddaf.It's nothing to do with releasing a dying murderer.It's ALL about trade and oil.This country of ours now makes me sick.HOW can a man who is supposed to have the BRITISH people's interest at heart,have vetoed an attempt to force Gadaffi to compensate families of IRA bomb victims? Oil and trade deals with Libya,pure and simple.It beggars belief.

1 comment:

  1. It was ever such Ansel. Because they are being paid by companies to look after their interests the common good is fucked. No longer do these money grabbing bastards do it for public service only for how much they can make out of it.
